Timberline Training
Onsite - Individual One on One Training Timberline Office Training at your office, with you and/or your staff one on one (or many). I can spend a few hours with each department (Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable etc), or all day with one individual. In this scenario, I can experience the same work environment in Timberline as you or your employee. For instance: the speed of the network/computer, distractions from co-workers, etc., the quality of documents with which to work. In this role, my training extends beyond Timberline Office. I can make recommendations to make your work day better and more productive. Onsite - Train the Trainer Timberline Office Training at your office with one designated person. I will provide intensive training to that person. That person in turn trains the remaining staff on Timberline. This is effective for cross training and backup for positions in the office. It also serves to reduce future follow-up training because you have created your own "go to" person for Timberline Office training, questions, and problem solving. Group Training This may be one or more firms regionally located or a local users group. I can provide group training for Timberline in a cost effective manner. I have a mobile classroom (a collection of state of art Dell notebook computers - Centrino Mobile technology - 1 Gig of Ram) that I can bring to your area.
Sign up now by emailing us at mbrennan@unlockthedata.com |