Timberline Cleanup
Timberline Office Data and Data Directory Clean Up Services Over the years, new files have been renamed, corrupted files have been renamed and replaced, temporary files left in the directory, old report designs & old zip files left in the directory (folder), etc. If this describes your data directory, then lets clean it up. In addition to unwanted files in folder, there may be print files, financial statement designs, report designs, etc. There is a place for these files, but it is not in your main data folder. We can organize that as well. Your data set may never have been run through an archive process or archive in the last few years. This results in an inefficient data set. Postings take longer, reports run slower, backups take longer. Research and inquiries are more difficult because users have to browse through or filter off unwanted data. If you reading this, it's probably time to perform this function as well. There are multiple ways of getting this done. Here are the options: 1) Onsite visit - I come to your office and perform these services on site. This is a difficult method because nobody can be active working in the system. I start with a backup and then begin the process. This means it is done after hours or on the weekends, and typically you are there with me. 2) Remote session - is a repeat of onsite, except I am not onsite. 3) Backup the data folder - transfer it to one of my super computers and perform the service - This is by far the best way to get his done. I remote in to your computer on a Friday afternoon, backup and transfer your data to one of my state of the art (best processor, fastest hard drive available, etc) workstations. I perform the services on my workstation and return the data to you Monday morning. You and you staff have little or no down time. The process is done quicker because of the local processing on a fast computers. best of all, it is done on a backup set of data, so if there is a problem, no restore is necessary. Contact me to discuss your options. mbrennan@unlockthedata.com. |