Timberline Reporting
Reporting is the single most overlooked function in most accounting systems. I liken reporting to buying a car. How often will you spend $30,000 for a new automobile and tell the dealer you want the standard radio without a CD or cassette player, or have the "comfort group" consisting of power doors & locks, adjustable seats, etc. not included. I would bet this happens rarely or not at all. Using that same logic, why would you spend thousands of dollars on a new industry specific software such as Timberline Office, and use just standard reports to manage your business? If this sounds crazy that because it is! Most firms can effectively manage their business with just seven to ten reports (Priority 2 reports). Of this select group of reports probably three are key reports (Priority 1 reports). If resources permit, arrange to have all the Priority 2 reports placed in production. If resources are scarce, focus on the Priority 1 reports. The decision to commission these reports and put them into production is the easy step. The process of creating custom reports will most likely expose every flaw and ill-thought out decision that was made when the architecture of your system was designed. Be prepared to hits some bumps in the road. The good news is: most flaws can be corrected. Reporting is one of my specialties. Contact me today at mbrennan@unlockthedata.com for a no charge consultation regarding your reporting needs. Reporting like any other aspect of the business needs to managed. Managing reporting can be a full time job for one of more individuals in some firms to just a small part of someone's responsibilities in another. As long as it is being addressed then the likelihood of quality information being disseminated throughout the business is high. Reporting can be effectively managed using a Reports Distribution Matrix and an Accounting Calendar. Before setting expectations of management and project managers, be certain you can meet them. Delay your start date for the report distribution program by one month. Run a test period. Audit the reports for accuracy. Missed deadlines and faulty reports in the hands of management will undermine your efforts. It will take 6 months or more of perfect performance on your part to gain back the lost confidence.