Ajera Utilities
1) Printing / Plotter software (Sepialine Argos, Papercut, KIP, Plotbase) interface. Contact me for a quote at mbrennan@unlockthedata.com. Prices range from $600 to $1,200. Background: These interfaces or utilities can be used to exchange project list data from your accounting software (Ajera, Vision, InFocus, QuickBooks, Wind2/FMS) into the printing software database, and to create export files from the printing database for importing into the accounting database. All done seamlessly and automatically. Most of the above software have some ability to import project data or the ability to ODBC to exchange the data, but the built in utilities are not specific to the accounting software. As a result, all projects are imported. Active, hold, and closed projects. The built in utilities do not have the ability to distinguish a closed project from an active project. Conversely, most have the ability to export transactional activity to Excel, but not in the format required by the accounting software. The Excel files have to be manually manipulated to match the import layout. Eliminate those weaknesses and monthly hassles with a custom interface for your your accounting software. This utility used a manual interface. There is an option to have these utility run automatically each night or week.
2) General Ledger Account - Automatic Resort Utility - $100.00 Background: The Ajera Core and Ajera Complete software does not required General ledger account numbers. They are optional. As a result, the various lists, inquiries, and reports that display the account list need something other than the account number to sort on. Associated with each account is an internal sort order number. That number is assigned based on where you manually position the account in the list using the sort arrows. (Company - Financials - Chart of Accounts) Issue: When new accounts are added, they are assigned a sort order number toward the bottom of the list. Each account needs to be ordered individually in order to have the account list, inquiries, and reports sort correctly by default. This can be a time consuming and somewhat annoying task. Solution: I have created a General ledger Account List report that executes a stored procedure that reassigns the internal sort number based on the account number every time the report is run. It will take less than a few seconds to execute, and the Ajera users will never be bothered by an account list that does not automatically sort by account number again. The price for this utility (report) is $100.00.
3) Timesheet Signature Image Maintenance Utility & Custom Timesheet That Prints a Scanned Image of the Employee Signature. $900.00 Background: The standard Ajera timesheet does not print scanned signatures. Issue: Some organizations and government agencies require hard or "wet" signatures on billing backup, so the only option to fulfill this requirement is to photocopy signed timesheets or scan signed timesheets and provide them with the client invoice. Solution: I have developed a simple utility that will create a separate table in your Ajera database to hold a signature image, an interface to manage the signatures, and a custom timesheet that will print the backup with the client invoice or independent of the client invoice. The timesheet can print either full timesheet backup or partial (direct) timesheet backup. email me at: mbrennan@unlockthedata.com to order an utility listed on this page or to inquiry about custom utilities.